Kinemancia is an audiovisual instrument activated in live improvisations, with the cassette as a support for both image and sound. By simultaneously reproducing both sources before processing them digitally, Kinemancia alters the perception and generates a sensory experience that feels familiar and strange at the same time.
Composed of five in-line cassette players, an inkjet printer cart, another electric typewriter cart, old telephone and washing machine coils among many other parts, Kinemancia brings together everyday technical instruments from at least four decades. They form an inter-temporal media artefact that raises questions about tech innovation and the compulsion to create and consume new media devices without caring about the material (and cultural) elements left behind.
Kinemancia was made with the support of +CODE – Cultura Digital
>20:00: Doors
>20:30: Show
(>21:30: Akiko Nakayama)
Grande Salle
Presale (fees included) : 9€ (< 26 years old) / 12€
Doors: 12€ (< 26 years old) / 16€
Ticket valid for all events taking place in the Grande Salle and the Klub on Saturday 25.02 from 20:30 (j.crowe, Akiko Nakayama, Rival Consoles + Slumbergaze)
j.crowe is an audiovisual artist, educator and technology developer based in Buenos Aires. His subject matter is analogue and digital electronics applied to the creation of live audiovisual experiences, objects, sculptures and installations. Fusing contemporary technology with repurposed and refurbished devices (usually collected from the streets, flea markets and other places where the discarded and obsolete accumulate), his machines and the actions they trigger are situated at the intersection between pop culture, object theatre, film and electronic music. He has participated in festivals and events associated with music, art and technology in more than 50 cities in Latin America, Europe and the United Kingdom.
Since 2008 he coordinates Laboratorio de Juguete (toy laboratory), a space for the dissemination of experimental practices with electronics. He is a member of Flexible, a project of art, science and technology for children. He teaches at national universities (UNTREF, UNA, UBA) in fields that link artistic practices and design with electronics.